1 June 15

During our last meeting we were able to get the Accelerometer and the Barometer soldered onto the protoboard, along with the Resistors that we will be using as voltage dividers. The sensors are being calibrated by placing the board into a position where only 1 axis should be measuring any acceleration from gravity. The voltage of that axis will be taken, and then the device flipped 180 degrees so the specific axis is now in the opposite direction of gravity. This will result in the voltages that represent 1g and -1g. The middle point will be used and the Zero Offset and the difference between the Zero Offset and 1g will be used as sensitivity. Peter is also debugging the program and is attempting to add an algorithm that will calculate velocity using the acceleration obtained from the acceleration sensor. We are also order some more parts in order to connect the protoboard to the beagle. We are ordering ribbon cables and connectors. Pin headers which we will use to create a connector that will plug directly P8 and P9 female pins on the beagle. Finally we are going to get an additional GPS receiver to have independent GPS to the beagle and to provide an accurate time clock since the clock on the beagle is prone to error and reseting.


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