fixing Gps Module for Arduino Board 

                   Always remember the first step of solving any problem is to understand what is the problem,  So I went on finding the code on the cloud which was unorganized at the first part which made we feel to download all the code and organize the folders. Later using the programmer standers i made a git repository  where every organized folder will be pushed to and in future this repository will be used for seeing the coding part related to the project. 

later I read the old code for gps module one which was not able to run the properly and run it on the arduino board found the errors in the program, which was more confusing because the according to the documentation in the cloud related to the gps the code is suppose to run on the ardiuno mega. finding the model number we found the documentation we have for the gps module was for older or someother gps module. the correct documentation for module is in git repo inside Hab_gps folder. 

finding the right documentation was really helpful because from using that we found the gps is connected to software series instead of series port So, with help of Joshua we rearranged the gps to rx 18 and tx 19 and 5 vol supply and ground port. 

later we saw the code again and made changes form software serial to serial and since the gps code was running on the wrong library  we change the library for correct module again all the important changes we made related to the code is in the repository please visited the link provided. 

once we got the right library we tested the software once inside the school and once outside and saw the readings on the terminal. which brought us to the conclusion that the Gps module is working 


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