WEEK ONE: May 26, 2016

1. Test and format SD cards (Format to MSDOS (Fat)). (Nick)

2. Watched videos from the Bergen Academy launch to work on the checklists. (Sofia, Nick)

3. Brainstorm for lattice design and component cases. Use PLA and MakerBot. Styrofoam payload box inside dimensions are approximately 10 1/4" X 5 3/4" X 15 1/2" (Sofia, Nick, Patrick, William)

4. Sketch and dimension ideas for lattice design. (Patrick, William) See PICTURES 1 and 2

5. "Unbrick" beaglebone #1. The beaglebone was not functional and is now fully functional.
If the BeagleBone is "bricked" follow the instructions from the blog post on Thursday, July 2, 2015. Then follow the directions on https://beagleboard.org/latest-images to remove the # in order to flash the image onto the beaglebone. In the /boot/uEnv.txt file, the # must be removed must be in front of 'cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh'
https://beagleboard.org/latest-images(Peter, Nick) SUCCESS

6. Reminder to alter printed beaglebone case to fit ribbon connection!

7. Sent P.O. request for 3 battery eliminators.  Link here on how to use the battery eliminators.(William, Nick)




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