WEEK 11 July 31- August 4, 2017

Tuesday August 1, 2017

  • Worked on the payload set up (Melissa)
    • Starting placing the cases that will help keep all of the components in place
    • Both Spot GPS's  have to be placed furthest away and opposite directions to get accurate readings.
    • Started foaming in some of the holes that were cut to fill up some space.

  • Worked on the experiments (Sam, Jonny)
    • Started out mapping the connections of the circuit board to keep them in a record for any references that may be needed in the future.
  • Finished the left side of the netting (Grecia)
    • The right side will now be worked on so that then both sides will be connected together to form a bag-like netting for the payload box
  • Tested the Kodak Camera's resistance with an external battery and the 128gb sd card.
    • it lasted for 4 hours and 30 minutes


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