WEEK 1:  Wednesday, 5/23/2018

Today members of the Summer 2016 project came in and cleared up various questions about the equipment and gave us helpful pointers to get us started on our process.

1. The trackers play a crucial role; therefore, everyone needs to be able to use and analyze them. We tested the SPOT GPS trackers and the APRS. They provide signal and we are able to track them using findmespot.com. We initially held the power button and waited for the Spot GPS green lights to illuminate in a circular form. The first test that we performed was a failure because we didn't press the track button or the shoe button. The second test we performed we were able to track the devices and get data because we clicked the tracking button. (group) SUCCESS
       I. the APRS initial test was a failure as well because the device does not work as well at sea - level. We redid the test of THE ASRP on the third floor at the dental hygiene laboratory. The device worked and we got data points. (group) SUCCESS

2. Testing cameras and figuring out how to let them all work on as little power as possible.  We also reconfigured the camera's  We will need to figure out a away to hard reset the go-pros (on-going)

We took apart last year's experiment and checked if most components are still usable.
 Cameras are being charged so that we can test and work with them tomorrow.

Important mistakes from 2016 Experiment:
miscalculated fill of the balloon; did not include mass of the rope; this caused the balloon to pop at 96,000 ft.


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